Friday, May 16, 2008

The highest of the highs, the lowest of the lows

My 2 years plus spent in my current company has recorded the highest of the highs and it also has the lowest of the lows. And its ironic, given that I'm forever saying I want to keep a low profile, I want to just be invisible for awhile. Yes, I'm loud and boisterous, I've sociable and outgoing. But I'm also a bitchy and who at times can be a homebody. My ultimate favorite thing to do is just to stay home on a rainy day, curl up on my bed with a good book and listen to slow rock songs. Ah... Now that's life. My other favorite thing to do is laze on the beach, working on a tan while reading a book and when I'm up to it, a dive trip in the ocean. I've never wanted any riches, I've never wanted anything more than a comfortable lifestyle. I've never asked for a lifetime partner, I just want a guy by my side and whenever I'm feeling down, this person is around to give me a hug. That's what I would love to have by my side.

A lot of people said I'm only around for 2 years, how can I be so tired with work? But I've always felt that 1 year here is equivalent to 5 years anywhere else. The learning curve is almost vertical at times but the things I've learnt, experienced and suffered through, I would not change it for anything else in this world. It has shaped me to be who I am now and who I'll be from now on.