Friday, May 09, 2008

Doing for the sake of reporting

There are times I really wonder what it means to be working, doing what you are paid for and a little bit more or doing more than what you are paid for so that you can look good in front of the bosses in your reporting?

All it just takes is one day for all my excitement in going back to work dissolve into thin air. I was moody the whole morning because my laptop was conked out. Secondly, I was asked to push and escalate or somehow or rather to get a contract printed. Thirdly which I find it most ridiculous, come up with a timeline for closing the deal so that we demonstrated our closure and planned it out well. In the end, decided to settle my laptop first then let my boss decides what he wants me to do and with the absence of a laptop, I'm practically whiling time while waiting for my machine to be repaired. Also, I had a lot of reluctance to do the timeline because I felt its a waste of time. Its just for the sake of reporting and being tracked daily for 2months is insane. Not only that, its also done so that the bosses will be seen as updated and knows a lot. That's plain bollocks to me. Furthermore, its not like the more we update the upper level, the more they are going to help us. In actual fact, the opposite will happen. So in the end, I was given the path of staying in office doing all these nonsense as the timeline is constantly evolving. But I better come up with a story on how we can bring it forward and how we are going minimize gaps. And Heaven forbid should there be any slip ups, I'll have to come up with another story then.

Its all about how one paints the picture. IF the picture is painted prettily but there is no depth, everything on the surface, the painter will be torn to bits for his painting will not be able to withstand the test of time and endurance. If the picture is one that we can constantly look at, and still see it evolving and it shows originality, then, the painter with his picture will last. I guess the same goes for us. But what I feel is that, we are constantly asked to do unnecessary tasks to please the bosses. Moreover, if we don't do it, we are escalated. C'mon for fuck sakes, if we are there sitting on our butts not doing anything, then I've got nothing else to say. But here we are, running left right and center, yet, you get no support, no one to leverage on, your own bosses citing amnesia and not listening and then tells you, you didn't do your job and being chased up the tree, round the bush. And we are saddled with more tasks to make our bosses look good. For me, I can safely tell you to go to hell~~!! If you want me to do all these nonsense (while without a laptop and constantly trying to search for a loaner) then bug me when I'm free. Don't simply saddle us unnecessarily and please don't tell us its for our benefit, as when we shout for help, it goes unattended and it goes unheard. Even if we do it via the proper route of e-mails, phone calls, escalation. I have had enough of this. Which is why, my plan B, plan C... right up to plan Z will come into play hoping to strike gold with either one of the plans.