Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Of Marriages, Kids and Weight Issues

Now must be the season to get hitched. I have a couple of friends getting married, news of engagement and generally friends settling down with their other half. Those that are getting married are those been dating for at least 1-2 years and like me, not getting any younger. Those who recently got engaged are like me not getting any younger, but been dating for less than 6 months. And those settling down, well, put it this way, just want to get away from all the money you paid out in terms of getting married. Its amazing how some are getting married when they barely know each other. Shot gun, some would say but I'm more incline to believe that they are getting married because you just know it that that person is the elusive one. There should be no room for doubts and what ifs. I believe in that. I had invested way too much of my time in creating the illusion that the guy I was with is the one. I had led myself to believe it, putting loads of time and energy into making myself believe that he is the one. In fact, it is ludicrous how I had made it all to be.

And then, I wonder those engagements that I've been hearing so much lately. Would they be shot gun or would it be just wanting to be able to get a steady stable lay? I really wonder about that.....

And adding on from that, I've seen women after giving birth, they just let themselves go. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Its all a circle of life where a woman will lose weight to look good for their wedding and then just let things go after that. Is that what it is to women? Looking good for the one day and then, give up caring once the goal is achieved?