Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Santa CLAUS is coming to town~~!!

Ok, yes, I'm in the mood to blog as I don't have anything much to do besides sitting in the office waiting for the traffic to subside. Its Christmas mood. Christmas is round the corner, Christmas carols everywhere you go. People buying fake Christmas tree to put in their house with fake snowflakes as ornaments and mistletoes. I don't understand why we Asians see fit to copy the traditions of the West? I mean, does Christmas really mean all those things? Why can't we put up our version of Christmas tree? Why must it be a tree in the first place??????? and the socks to put your presents in? Why not just do it the Asian way, give money packets? And Santa Claus, the origin of all commercialization. Now, that's taking commercialization to the extreme when its Christmas.

Does anyone out there in my age group and younger really know the meaning of Christmas besides all the partying and drinking ourselves silly and have the mother of all hangovers the next day? Let's not forget it is also the best time to loosen our purse strings and spend like there's no tomorrow? Nowadays, Christmas is so commercialized that it has lost its true meaning and why there is Christmas in the first place. What we have adopt so far is just the "spirit" of giving where we buy presents, we party, we decorate our house with the fake trees, mistletoes, socks, Santa Claus, hollys etc. Maybe I'm skeptical about Christmas nowadays. I used to enjoy this period of the year, where everything slows down, festivities in the air, holidays to look forward to, spending time with my loved ones and the arrival of a brand new year. I realized as I grow older, I'm more cynical and jaded about certain things. Things that I used to take for granted is now no longer so. Things are different now, the outlook is different, the perspective of how things seem to be is different. I used to live for Christmas day coz it means presents and more presents and food and wine and the whole family at home.

Nowadays, I find that the true meaning of Christmas is lost. We celebrate Christmas for Jesus, our Savior was born. We celebrate Christmas to remember the day mankind was saved "For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have eternal life" (John 3:16) I believe in this and I still do. Just that I find a lot of people have forgotten this point. I find it sad and disappointing. Heck, I was once like that, I believed in Santa, I believed in the Christmas tree and presents, more the presents. But does anyone know the origin of the Christmas tree and why on top of the tree is the angel or star? What does it represent? There is a reason and mean to everything. We should not be doing things for the sake of doing and definitely not because it is part of culture or pressure. We should be doing things because we believe in it and it should be done for the RIGHT reason.