Saturday, February 02, 2008

Decisions and Choices

I always believe life is a journey of choices and decisions that we had made along the way. There is no right or wrong in our decisions and in our choices but one must not regret the decisions one had made. If we were to regret the decision, then we would not learn from its mistake and whatever the decision that is made, stick by it. You might be surprised by the end result of this. Also, why bother regret something which you might not have a chance to rectify? There is no way the clock will be reversed for us to rectify the decision and choose the other choice. Progress forward and you might even be surprised by what might crop up along the way.

I had never explained myself to anyone about the choices that had laid in front of me and of the decision I had made. Yes, I did tell those I loved about it but it wasn't to sway my decision or my choice, it was more of informing them for I know whatever it is I had decided, my family will stand by me. Selfish as it may seem, the way I see it, as long as I don't hurt anyone along the way, I'm safe. I'm now in a crossroad for my life. Do I want to uproot myself to another place for another start? Or do I want to stay on and battle on? I'm not sure. There's a lot of things weighing in both direction. Yes, the idea of living in a foreign place sounds liberating but the reasons for me to do it is so varied, I still can't identify the root cause. But it seems to me I'm running away. Running away from everything and to be a runaway, I won't be able to lift my head up high after this. I can't forever runaway and I don't want to leave because I can't handle it. I don't know. However at the end of it, I do know that whatever decision that I make, my parents had given their consent on it and support me. Maybe that's what I need, a push to make the decision.



hei gurl,
Watever ur decision is, there is no shame in running away if things really took turn for the worst. Regroup and start again. I did and maybe I shud write abt it.

Remember, everybody is entitled to make mistakes in their life. And I'm glad ur family are behind ur decision.