Saturday, August 30, 2008


I had always wondered what is it about love and relationship that makes the most sane amongst us go goo goo gaa gaa over it. Or take a word from Carrie in Sex & the City, its the feeling of zsa zsa zsu. I just felt some relationships, you don't see it coming, some you manipulate it to come your way, some just developed naturally. In the end, we trust our butterflies in the stomach to make a decision on the relationship. Now I wonder, are we always making the right choices then? If we are, then I rest my case. At times, we go with the one that seems to provide more fun than others. Me? I go with the one that can make me laugh, impress me, challenge me with their sense of humor and wit and ultimately, still love me for all my quirkiness. Is it too much to ask for in a man? I think so...