Friday, August 22, 2008

Government & Their Promise

Its funny how the government operates. Its not until there is an election will there be benefits for its people. Sad isn't it when these are the people we had elected. The recent story of PM riding the public transport and listening to public's problem, this is something he should have done long time ago and for that matter, while he was the Deputy. But no, the public had to wait for yet another "major" election to take place before we see some light from the government. Funny isn't it, that this is the government we chose and the government that insisted they place their people's priority of utmost importance. The problem with public transport is not something new. Its not something that wasn't highlight, it wasn't something that the public never groused about. Yet, with a certain constituency's bi-election we see the government acting. Sigh....



You write very well.