Thursday, June 26, 2008

Disappointed Time and Again

Yes, I'm disappointed time and again at work. But how could it be that everyone that comes in replacing the head always has fantastic idea and plans and reorganizing the whole team and yet, when push comes to crunch, its just all talk and nothing else. All the actions promised, escalation for help, call for help, all the problems we poured out. It still doesn't make any difference to how we operate as a team. There are still last minute requests we have to entertain, complying and answering and reporting all for the sake of those very actions. Requests for help ignored and when someone higher up escalates, we at the ground scramble trying to understand the bizarre requests and complying as best as we could. And we do all these in the name of that, just do. Without any strategy, without any view, without any light at the end of the tunnel. And yet, we tell ourselves, things will be better, situation will be better and hope against hope, we will persevere to the end. I've just been told if I don't have the passion for my work I should leave. And I've been told I'm lucky.. What this person didn't realize is that I've also poured in hard work and spent time to be part of the team. Nothing has come easy unless you really spend your time to develop it. I've paid my dues for it. And yet, another manager comes along promising change and once again, I've been disappointed.