Saturday, April 19, 2008


Another week had passed and what an amazing and tiring week it had been. This is the week where I heard good and bad news and this is the week I've been out till almost midnight for 3 nights for drinks and this is the week where I'm starting the countdown to my 12 days break starting from 25th April.

Tiring as this week might have been but it gave me a surprise. I got to know a colleague better and that was a surprise on its own. I mean, given the differences, it was just nice sitting down for drinks with this colleague talking about absolute nothing and everything. It goes to show sometimes, all it takes its just the time to know someone better. The surprising thing was, I'm actually happy to know this colleague of mine better for one, I realized that the corporate world can be a cruel place and heartless one but there will always be people in there that will still stand for what they believe is right. The second thing is, I appreciate the things around me more now. I realized that there are some life experiences that can't be exchanged and not matter what it is, be it good or bad, its part of us growing up. And also, I've learnt boys will be boys till they are 40 where they are man. Hmmm... I guess that explains my choice of guys :p



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