There's always hits and misses in our lives. Be it in work, in play or in love. And somehow or other, there will always be a wedding dinner to attend. Let me start on the wedding dinners first. I've just attended my first dinner this year. It was one of my best friend's dinner. She went to Sarawak, met a guy and hey presto, 2 years down the road, she has a kid and a loving hubby. Am I jealous? Hell yea. But then again, as I sat down at the table, it dawned on me that half the table occupants are either in some stable long term relationship, married or getting married. So it brings me to the hits and misses. We have all been hit with someone, somewhere, at sometime in our lives. Yet, after being hit, if we don't figure it out, it will turn into a miss. And yet other times, we missed it totally.
In wedding dinners, you will always find aunties and uncles asking when we are going to get married. I've found the best way to shock these nosy relatives into oblivion, by telling them, I can't legally marry my girlfriend. So I consider this a hit, a direct hit to the relatives. There are some that tells me, wedding dinners are fertile ground for singles to mingle. Somehow, I only feel that trying to meet new people at wedding dinners is kinda pathetic. And there you go, MISS number 1.
But to me, meeting up with friends I have lost touch with over the years is the best fun during dinner. Also, the laughters that you get with a bunch of girls, those are my precious moments. As we grew older, our lives have taken different paths and being able to sit down and gossip as though the years hasn't alter us shows that we are friends and true friends indeed.
Today, someone asked me when am I getting married and my response was, wait till I can get a permanent guy in my life, as I'm actively seeking one now. Immediately, all my friends erupted with their sarcastic remarks of yea yea yea, Actively looking for one indeed, introduce guys to you but you reject. In the end, their conclusion is I'm actively WAITING for a guy to appear magically in front of me. That made me sit up and realized that hell, I either be more sociable or I might just end up alone with just my work. For another question thrown to me was, what do I do on weekdays. My answer was work, work, work and yoga and work. Sounds quite pathetic and sad even to my ears. Sigh. And those are all misses. Missed out chances to meet people, missed out chances to be more happening and missed out chances to enjoy life.
So there you have it, the summary of my life and what goes on when I attend wedding dinners.