Monday, March 10, 2008

The Country Votes

Yes, the general elections are over and the country is experiencing the aftermath of their decisions. The ruling party has lost its stronghold on the most advanced states, namely Penang and Selangor. FT will still be ruled by BN. The rest are still a mixture. All I can say is, I hope the country has voted correctly and all that is said and promised by the opposition will be fulfilled. To me, the country is voting based on emotions. Yes, a lot has been said about BN's arrogant ways and how corrupted our systems are and how our government overspends on their budget for Minister's private use. However, I would just like to say this. Look around you in KL, selangor and Penang (sorry for leaving out the other states, as I'm only familiar with these 3 places). We have modernization, we have the best of everything, the world class facilities albeit the maintenance of it. If we argue and say BN has not done its job, that's wrong. But if we look around the opposition governed states, what do they have? These are just my views and observations. I just hope that Malaysia is not spiraling downwards. All I hope for is, corruption will be wiped out, all that is promised by the opposition fulfilled and there will be lesser frictions among everyone. I hope that the opposition knows what they are doing and let it not be empty promises to the country when its citizens have had their fair share of empty promises, bureaucracy, corruption and false hopes.

Malaysia is currently experiencing its winds of change, whether its good or bad still left to be seen. Let's hope this wind will bring about a fresh breathe of air for the years to come.



oooiii... u vote or not??? hehehehehehehehehehehe