Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Sex Tourism

As I lay awake last night unable to sleep, tossing and turning, I suddenly remembered a statement made by a friend of mine. She doesn't enjoy going to places like Thailand and Cambodia for the perceived thoughts that its catered to the sex industry. I just thought that it was a sweeping statement made as the sex industry had evolved due to poverty and lack of resources, funding, bribery etc. Its difficult to say that its wrong or right. Like Thailand for example, they make no qualms that they enjoyed millions and billions baht in revenue from sex tourism. But these are all perceptions only.

This same friend of mine would have no qualms going to Amsterdam for a holiday. Now, let's be clear and not cheat ourselves on this. Amsterdam is famed for their red light district, their liberal thinking and drugs freely available. The world's oldest profession, prostitution, is legal in Amsterdam and there are legislation to protect these sex workers. They don't come by cheap in Amsterdam. If I remember correctly, its about 50Euros for a 20 minutes session of just blowjob and their customers are required by law to use a condom. Moreover, these sex workers have the right to refuse a customer.

Now, this is in a liberal country. Put the same girls and scenario in a country where prostitution is not legal but accepted. It becomes a seedy profession where the pimps are often greedy and girls forced into prostitution for various reasons, with the most common reason due to money or dire financial straits. Then, you will get people that exploits the situation and then, suddenly, its all painted in a different color and light.

My friend's sweeping statement was stemmed from a perception of how things are painted. There are certain truths in that statement but then, if each country were to take measured steps to ensure the workers' safety and public acceptance, I'm pretty sure Asian countries would be viewed in a very different way.

By the way, these are only those in the business of prostitution. I haven't even touch on those girls that used their bodies for material gains, although they are labelled as girlfriend by their prospective clients. Its still a business transaction at the end of the day and I'm seeing more and more of young girls with mature men with the hopes of earning money. How would you view this then?

Sex as business has always been viewed in a negative way. For me, its a way of survival like working is to adults. We need to have the means to pay our bills and secure a comfortable life later on. Why can't we be objective and view it as a profession?