I always say karma will have a way to come back and bite you in your arse. I had always believe in karma where one good turn deserves another and vice versa. There is nothing good and bad about karma but its where the world strikes a balance between the good and evil. For I'm a strong believer that for one good thing you have done, you would reap the benefits of that. However, for one bad, mean or spiteful action, karma will make sure that you will also experience it.
Case in point, I was relaxed at work last week. There were still things that need to be done, however, I had taken my own sweet time and bought my own time to finish the work. I think somehow, my boss might have sensed it. Admittedly, it was him being away that gave me some free time. This week when he is back, I was suddenly swamped me deadlines and work and not knowing which to prioritize. So I guess karma must have been in play. Oh well, I can't complain as I'm being paid to make it work somehow or other.
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