Wednesday, January 28, 2009

30 days mark

Let's see, its almost one month to the new year and what have I done so far? I went to Australia for 2 weeks and I've got a new role to come back to at work. In fact, I've done quite a fair bit of traveling in December 08 and January 09, to the point that my friends asked me first where am I instead of what I'm doing. As I had mentioned, I was in Siem Reap before Christmas, headed down south for Christmas and then, work for 2 weeks and I was off to Australia for 2 weeks.

I really racked up some travel mileage over the last 2 months. I had really enjoyed it though. I had seen poverty in 3rd world country and went off to metropolitan city and then to a developed country with abundance of land and resources. Its really 3 different places with very distinct atmosphere and feel. I'm glad I had the chance to experience it all. But my last trip was an eye opener for me.

Coming from Malaysia, I had known Asian countries and I haven't travel to a Western country before (Singapore doesn't count!), going to Australia was a totally different experience. I thought summer in Australia would be hot and it would be nice to sit by the beach and get a tan. Boy, was I wrong when I stepped out from the plane at Melbourne! Melbourne is really a quirky place which I come to like a lot. You can experience 4 seasons on a summer day and it switches from cold to hot back to cold in matter of hours. The other thing I couldn't get used to was the fact, sun sets at 9pm!!! Also, I noticed that drinking is the unofficial national sports which all Aussies enjoy. The other thing that got to me was their barbie. I really enjoyed the barbie and drinks that I had the chance to experience with some friends. Although I did see a lot of the country in the span of 2 weeks, I had the most fun hanging out at a friend's backyard, enjoying the barbie with a VB and playing monopoly after that. Its one of those simple pleasures that I can never get enough of. By the way, I can do a mean burp now whereas someone I know can practically fart all night long!! A symphony of wind :p

After Melbourne, I was in Geelong to meet some friends and to do Great Ocean Road and to see the Twelve Apostles. Now, that bloody pile of rocks a bit disappointing but beautiful nevertheless. After 3 days in Geelong and a dose of cricket, we flew to Sydney. Met with some more friends and more drinking ensued :) However, I was insistent to take pictures with the Opera House, Harbour Bridge and to walk to Darling Harbour. Also, I wanted to feel the sand of Bondi. I did all that and more. Oh well, I am a tourist after all ;)

After that, a road trip to Brisbane was a scenic drive with cows and sheep and more cows and sheep. I think I saw more cows and sheep on this trip than I ever have in my whole entire life. But along the way, I got to see Big Banana and Big Prawn. I've always wondered what's with the obsession with all things big. Oh well, to one's own I guess. We ended up in Byron Bay for 2 nights. I fell in love with that place. Its a small laid back town that has interesting pubs, shopping street and cosy small town feel. Its a fantastic place with one of the best bars I've been to and a superb beach. What more can a girl ask for?

We headed north again to Gold Coast. I get to cuddle my koala here and be upclose and personal with kangaroos. I even went to Movie World to have a bit of Hollywood glamour in Australia. I'm just disappointed I didn't get to see Tasmanian Devil from Looney Tunes there. That would have made my day.

So all in, it was 2 weeks worth of being a tourist and I saw a bit more of Australia than I could possibly imagine. I can't wait for my next trip back to Australia :) After all the fun activities of the past 2 weeks, I came back to KL for CNY. I refused to be disowned on Chinese New Year. Thus, I've decided to do what every dutiful daughter would have done, come home for reunion dinner and usher in the Year of Ox with as much fanfare as possible. After all, who can resist the lure of receiving ang pau (money!!) and a good feast with it too~~~!!

So to all, Happy Chinese New Year, Gong Xi Fa Cai. May the Year of Ox brings happiness, health and wealth and may all have an Ox-picious year ahead.

Monday, January 05, 2009

What is it that we want?

Let's take a count, who, at this moment now, knows exactly what they want out of this life? They know exactly what is the charter right in front of them now and know exactly what they will achieve 2 years down the road? I don't know. I never knew. I have had made plans and I've seen it crumble in front of my eyes in a split second. So now I asked, would you still plan?

I don't know about you but I still try to plan but as I have noticed, sometimes life has its own charter. We might not get what we want out of it. Heck, I might not even get 50% of what I had planned. But in the end, we will reach somewhere. Like they say, enjoy the journey while it lasts. At least, live not to regret the things you had done.

I remember a story a friend had told me. A couple met and got married quite late in life. Both were in their late 30s. They had a blissful married life and was blessed with a cute daughter. But what happened was the husband passed away about 3 years after the marriage. He was diagnosed with cancer. Now, the wife was heart broken that she is now left alone after finding love and needing to take care of the daughter on her own. I'm not sure about their financial capabilities, but that aside, she was angry at the husband for passing on so early. In fact, her remark was, she couldn't believe he had wasted his life when he was young that he couldn't spend more time with her. Actually, the hubby was a party goer, drinking, smoking a lot. But that was where they had met, in a club partying. But yea, you do clean up your act after you have settled down. But you can't regret your past. If the husband had lived healthier, they might not have met. Its easy for me to say that as I'm looking on as a third party.

Would you have lived different lives or changed your lifestyle knowing that you might have a slight chance of possibility of meeting someone you want to share your life with, not knowing when and not knowing how?

That's the question I'm asking myself. Would I be like the woman, all angst and bitter about the husband's death? Or, would I be forgiving and reflecting back on the good memories? If and when I had chosen to settle down with someone.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

A new me!!

I took the plunge, I finally did, I cut my hair~!! Ok, I didn't literally cut it on my own, I left it to my trusted hairstylist to do that. I'm not that brave to meddle with my hair length. But it has given me a fresh look and I haven't had hair this short for the last 6 years. :)

What do you think about it?

Friday, January 02, 2009

A brand new year

2009 has officially dawned on us. I'm back to work on the 2nd day of the year. Things are quiet in office and we all gathered to go out for a long lunch. Oh well, it wasn't that long, only 1.5 hours but better than being back in office after a hurried lunch.

The start of 2009. No, I don't have a new year resolution as I still haven't achieved what I had wanted to set out to do in 2008. That's to be debt free. I'm just about there although not quite yet, but I'll make sure that I achieve this is in 2009.

Reflecting back on 2008, I'm happy with the stuff that I had done, no regrets on actions I had taken and with that, I'm moving forward into 2009 anticipating a fantastic year ahead. 2009 for me will be a year of change and anticipation of bigger things to come. I can't wait for the challenge of change. Let's bring on 2009.