Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year, 2007~~!!

I've just realized that indeed I do have a blog and my name is Blur Jet. But anyhow, wishing everyone a HAPPY 2007~~~~~!!!!

Let me just take a bit of time to reflect on 2006. I've changed jobs, for the better or worse, I've yet to find that out. Perks are definitely better but my working hours are crazy and not in any way near sane. I've an ended relationship. It was bittersweet right till the very end of it. And I hope we can remain friends as I don't think I can find another guy who knows me as well as him. And my family is doing well. My sisters are OK and my parents are fine and healthy. I've got a naughty nephew who is always crawling around now and asking to be carried. And thank god, I don't look physically ugly or anything like that, although I've like ten pounds to shed but what the heck. I can look past all that. Overall, 2006 was maybe like my relationship. Bittersweet. I wouldn't want it any other way.

On another note, I spend the New Year's countdown staring out of a building on the 21st floor waiting for fire works to start. There is something about fireworks that so captivate me. Maybe because its so beautiful and it doesn't last. Its a split second beauty and sparkle and glow. If you blink once, you will missed it. Like all things beautiful, it doesn't last. Maybe that's why I was so captivated by it and every year, I wouldn't fail to try and capture a glimpse of it. To me, fireworks represent the big bang boom of the arrival of a new year. A new year's celebration wouldn't be complete without it.

Now that 2007 has arrived, its time for me to think of DO-able resolution. Here's my list of resolutions and by 2008 comes, I would like to see which I can hold on to.

1. To do well in my company. I would want to be able to at least achieve 100% of my target and more.

2. To spend more time with family. Take at least 2 saturdays or sundays in a month and bring my parents out.

3. To spend more time with friends. I've made an arrangement with my best friend to meet up at least every saturday for drinks and shopping just to catch up.

4. To go church. This have been a sore point in my life. I haven't made an attempt to go church since 2005. Its time I take this into my hands and make good of it.

5. To spend less. I aim to save at least 20% of my monthly salary... hmmm.. i've yet to achieve this.

6. To have more work life balance. 'Nuff said about this one.

7. To go gym 3 times weekly. I've known to be so lazy that I can't even make it once a week. Time to be healthy

8. To do charity work. I've always wanted to do the pay for a child thingy in a 3rd world country. Guess now its time to pay back the society that taught me.

9. To go on at least 2 dive trips this year. Its high time I visit my dolphins and turtles.

I think that's enough for now. I would always go down the routine of wishing world peace and economic boom. But that's beyond my control. Oh well, what the heck, I wish for world peace and joy to everyone and health and wealth for the new year. Hope 2007 will be a blast~~!!!