Monday, May 14, 2012

Another Letter to Gramps

Dear Gramps, 

How I have missed you in these last 2 years! I can't believe it has been 2 years since you had left. Yup, so much has happened in this period. I sometimes wish I still can e-mail to you to tell you things. You once said, if I dream about you or think about you, you will hear it. I hope that you are hearing all of these now.

I just want to tell you that I'm happy with myself now and I'm finally happy in my own skin. I still don't know what I want but I know what I don't want and that's just putting a smile on my face. I agree with you when you say life is too short and we are better off just being ourselves. I'm starting to see wisdom in your words now. I can't believe that turning 30 would be such a milestone but I guess I'm finally growing up.

Gramps, I sometimes wonder if you are still around, I would be able to just pop over to Philippines and see you and just go fishing and diving. I will go to Puerto Galera and Batangas one of these days and I know you will be there with me. I'm just feeling a bit nostalgic and I really wish you are around so that I can tell you all of these in person. But other than that, trust me when I say I'm happy now and I can't wait to see more of this world!

Till the next letter. I hope you receive all of them.


Thursday, March 08, 2012

What Does Marriage Mean?

Before I start on this blog, let me clarify that I'm not dying or desperate to get married. However, I've observed many a times at social gatherings that marriage and weddings always seem to be the centre of attention. Not one single gathering will go by without anyone asking when are you getting married. So, this blog is just an observation as well as to wonder why we place such importance on marriage.

According to Wikipedia, marriage is a social union or legal contract between people that creates kinship. Definition of marriage varies but it is accepted as an institution in which interpersonal relationship, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged.

I have also asked around what does marriage mean to them. And I'm just going to explore the heterosexual relationships, although I've come to realized homosexual relationships are no different. Some told me for companion when you are old, to start a family, for financial security, for a guaranteed steady lay, for love, for convenience. A lot of times, if you ask a guy, what does marriage means, they will say expensive. Society has placed an emphasis on the males to provide for the family with a house, car and financial stability. In fact, in some cultures, women come with dowry so that it would not place a burden on the groom and his family. But in most cultures, it is generally acceptable that women marry for financial security and the men provides for them. Women are often viewed as the weaker sex, thus the need to provide falls on the men.

Out of all the times that I've asked this question, only 2 guys came back to me with the answer that they marry for love. One was 60+ and another was 57 when I asked them. Both surprisingly Australian, Caucasian males. One was Gramps. He said he married his first wife for love until she cheated on him. His second marriage was a marriage of convenience. She needed the citizenship and financial security and he needed the companion. The other was Bob (or rather I think that is his name!). Bob said the first time he laid eyes on his wife, he felt goose bumps and shivers down his spine. He knows that she's the one and yes, they got married till the day she died. And he found love again and he said the same thing happened. Goose bumps and shivers down his spine. That's how he knows that he will marry that woman.

Maybe I'm just a romantic at heart but a lot have told me that when love hits you, you would not know what it is and you will just smile and be happy to surrender yourself to it. I like to hear stories about how people fall in love and get together and got married. But those stories are getting far and few in between. Those romantic stories I heard, it's from those who are at least 45 years old and above. As for those 40 and above are more likely to have co-habitated before deciding to get married. For those below 35, it is usually and most definitely, met in university or while clubbing or working together, cohabitation followed. After which, marriage was the next logical step. Those below 25, are usually shot gun.

I always wondered what will trigger anyone to get married. The fact that you would feel the goose bumps and shivers? Or love? Or even just the plain old companionship that we seek? I don't believe in not being able to live without that person. Yes, humans are social creatures however, it doesn't mean that you can't live with or without that person. We would crave intimacy and the sense of belonging. Maybe that's reason enough. I've seen more and more of friends taking the step towards a 'legal' life together. But what separates cohabitation with marriage is just the license or is it the fact that with that piece of paper you are legally bound to the other person for life?

One person told me once that love is a state of mind. It is just how our grey matter processes it. In the end, there is no logic or rational reason that leads someone to a marriage. Some use marriage as an escape from their family, others use it to depend onto others financial security, others use it as a social tool and some would just resort to get married because of societal pressure. Whatever the reason it may that leads you down the marriage path, it is for sure hard work to stay married and committed to the other person.

Once you have decided to sign your name on a piece of legal paper that binds you to your partner, in sickness and in health, for better or worse, in good times and bad times, you would have to stay and hang in there. You would be responsible for the other person and you would have to find ways to make it work and stay happy along the way. And maybe, have a few babies along the way and complete the circle of life that some of us are privileged to follow through.

As for those who are not married or don't plan to get married, I truly respect your choice and your decision. For in the end, what matters is that you go through your life, living it the way you want and be happy with the journey life has given you.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Crazy or Scorned?

I know of this lady who is going to turn 70 soon. She had issues of trust with people. She had never trusted anyone fully including her own kids. She had married in her early thirties and had an oppressive mother-in-law. She had served her MIL her whole life and then, her husband had cancer. She, once again became the primary caregiver for her hubby. After being the primary caregiver and giving all those around her problems with her drama and her persistence, she learns how to be with herself. After so many years of taking care of others, for once, she begins to be alone and truly not enjoying it. I reckon she got lost on knowing what to do. She starts imagining things that had happened, replacing the reality with figments of her imagination. She tries to be normal, she tries to lead a normal life. But slowly, her life has just been figments of her imagination, so much so that she thought up of excuses for herself, victimized herself whilst blaming everyone else. She misplaced her keys, couldn't find her stuff and blame it on others. Living with her was a living hell.

But if one looks back to her story, she wasn't like that when she was growing up. She was a happy go lucky girl that was always cheerful. I still can see glimpse of that girl, beneath all that unhappiness she projects. She had thought she fell in love with the one guy that she had known since young, her cousin brother. She had not thought that he would break her heart. From what I could gather in between the lines, she had stayed with the man, given her all for that 7 years of being together. What happened at the end was just a recollection. They had saved up their money in joint accounts and with hopes of getting married. Apparently, the guy had took all their savings and went off with another woman. It sounds like something out of the movie where a girl gets cheated by another man. But this story doesn't have a Hollywood ending. The girl ended up heart broken, she couldn't trust anyone. She became depressed and she couldn't live her life for a long while. In the end, she chose to marry another man just to escape from it all.

Then, when things become unbearable during her marriage, she lived in a coulda, woulda, shoulda world. The horrible world of what ifs. It was a vicious cycle that had kept her depressed and clinical depression that is left unchecked will have horrible repercussions.

I'm not sure to put this woman down as sick in literally sense or someone that has just been scorned. I had always thought of those people who couldn't live through a heartbreak as someone who is weak and just couldn't get a hold of themselves. Now, I'm starting to think that there are people who just can't pull themselves together and piece themselves up after a life changing situation. Sad part is, she had put all her hopes to this one guy that had hurt her the most. Sadder part, she had delved too deep into her own sadness that she couldn't climb out. Saddest part, she had spent the rest of her life after in a haze and no way in hell would the fog clear.

On the other hand, coming out from a broken relationship and knowing full well that you had wanted to die, crash your car and just stop living, I can really empathize with her. Maybe times are changing, women now have a lot more choices and a lot more freedom to do things as you will, instead of depending on a man to provide. Women nowadays have the option to walk out from a relationship and be independent, and it is not wrong to stand for your own right.

I wished she had lived in a different time and she would have the courage to move on and not let the whole experience overshadow her and stop her from living a life that's worthwhile.

Monday, February 20, 2012

What would you do if you were in my shoes

Growing up in as the youngest of three girls should be smooth sailing. We all grew up to be very independent adults. But you can't shake the old doubts that were nagging at the back of your head. I remember when I was younger, my dad always joked that the eldest is the prettiest, the second being the smartest and the third is the good for nothing daughter. Joke or not, it had left a large imprint on you. Yes, I grew up independently, shouldering a lot of things in the family. More so, from the point that I wanted to prove to my dad that he was wrong. All these while, I had thought that things I did was for the best of all of us. But apparently, it has suppressed me and made me miserable. I wasn't the nicest person to live with. In fact, when I go into a committed relationship, I realized I became unbearable. I was scared to let things go, I over analyze things and I was just not myself anymore. I had viewed my relationship as a means to escape from my family. But I had made it infinitely worse, when all those doubts came surfacing out. It wasn't true but I had used it to mar my relationships.

So I began a series of self destructive activities, just to prove my point that I'm not worthy of anyone and anything. I had been an overbearing, jealous girlfriend, tracking every single move, every single gesture. Then, I'll reach a point where I break, where I reasoned to myself that I get too tired to continue like this. Then I start contemplating break up but I'll make it so uncomfortable that you will automatically suggest that. Then, the start of the long drawn out breakup sequence. Not sure if you guys find it familiar, but I reckon the last 3 of relationships went through the same pattern.

So now, I took one and a half years away from guys. Let's admit it, it is damn easy to hook up with anyone if you really want to. I had never complained about the lack of guys, lack of good looking ones, maybe. But lack of guys, hell no. I had never been without a guy for more than 2 months in the past one decade. So, it was liberating. I had learnt the joy of enjoying my alone time. I enjoyed seeing the world on my own. I went back to planning things for myself and only myself. I know my parents wanted to come along and be included, but i just wanted the time on my own and its good to be selfish.

I had suddenly become a lot happier and more at ease with myself. Then, I actually got a few cute guys' attention. But it was all in good fun. I had thought 1.5 years is enough of a time to see things retrospectively and think things through. What I didn't know was that, even now, after all these time, when I'm about to embark on another relationship, everything comes to the surface again. In fact, this time, I don't even need to wait till we are in a relationship to be destructive. I was destructive from the start. I had never went out to seek a relationship or even dare I say, love. But this one found me, and yet, I'm not happy and confident about myself for it. I can feel all the old doubts coming back out no matter how much I try to suppress it.

It feels as though, I dare not allow myself to be happy with the knowledge, someone actually wants to love me for who I am, warts and all. I still feel that I have issues to work out and I need to be able to fully love myself before I can love someone else. Before I can fully open my heart to someone else. Would you turn down the guy that you had really like and say that the only reason he likes you is because you irritate him. Would you turn that guy away and sort out yourself first?

What would you do?