Monday, October 11, 2010

Don't look for the silver lining, learn to dance in the rain!

My pretty smart eldest sister said that to me once at the time when I was lost, crying and just feeling hurt. I didn't understand the meaning of that and I was too stubborn and too closed up to even realized what it meant. To me now, I look at this saying and I think that whatever it is, I should learn to adapt and make full use of God's gifts to this world. I should stop looking for something better or what I think is ideal. Instead, I should make use of what's given to me and enjoy the moment.

There was a moment in time where I thought woe is me and I just bring everyone down, including myself. Today when I made the first move to let things go and move on with my life slowly, someone commented that I look different and I look more at peace. Maybe thats what I need to learn, how to let things go and make full use of what's given to me. I need to stop being so hard on myself and stop yearning for what's better. The grass will always be greener on the other pasture, its a matter of how you measure what's important in life.