Saturday, July 19, 2008


The sequence of life is baby, kid, kindergarten, primary school, secondary school, university, work, get married, have kids, die. That's the usual sequence of life and along it will be peppered with sickness, hurt, love, happiness, smiles and all the bittersweet memories of living a life. But what makes our lives different from others? What are the things that differentiates our lifestyle? For me, I don't know what difference I can make on this Earth, however, I'll definitely for sure would want to go to every single inch of this earth. Along my travels, I meet people from different walks of life and its amazing how it all works out for them. I can't say the same for me but I know for sure I would want to live a life of my own without people dictating it and without any prejudice. I don't want to lie on my dying bed and regret things that I should, could, would have done.



hmmm... i think u got the idunwantowork virus or shudntcomebacktowork sickness, eh? nah.. u just lonely, thats all.. :)