Friday, September 07, 2007


In a person's life, there are always ups and downs, left and right. Life will not be what it seems to be. When everything seems to be smooth sailing, life will be thrown a curveball. What distinguish a person's capability or strength in situations like this is their adaptability. And that is a human's capability. To be a camouflage in situations like this and adapt to the situation life has thrown to you. I'm a firm believer of what doesn't kill you will just make you stronger. My life has never been smooth sailing. It has its ups and downs. While it was up, I'll be afraid of it coz it means there will be a down period as dictated by Newton's law of gravity. But now, I've learnt to take it in stride regardless it is up or down. I'll still sulk and moan and groan at the down period but then I'll rejoice and smile and laugh during an up period. Life can't always be on the same path and stagnant on the same pace. My learning curve in my 1.5 years in a MNC has been steep and at times its vertical. But that is what contributes to the life curve ball. We can all complain life is a bitch. And it is if you let it get to you.

For me, I've learnt it the hard way. I found out that no matter how hard I go against people or life's lessons, the harder I try to stay afloat, the stronger the impact it has on me. The harder the climb to overcome the curve. However, now, I've learnt not to be so hard headed. If things don't go well, go with the flow. Take a deep breathe, smile and things will seem a lot brighter than they once was. Subsequently, give it all up, go for yoga, get a good night sleep and it will be a BRAND NEW day tomorrow to start AFRESH.

I've taken a huge step back when it comes to my work and outlook in life recently. Things that doesn't seem so wrong I've learnt to let go, not to take it to heart anymore. Its difficult as it is to learn to swim but to gulp down loads of water and still remain afloat, you have gotta be a yogi~~!! I try not to get upset over it. And hell,even if I'm upset about it, there is nothing a Hoegaarden can't do to correct it. A wise lady once told me, if there are negative news about you, allow yourself the chance to be upset for ONE minute. After that, think positively and smile. Things won't be all that bad.

And that is true, as the saying goes, sticks and stones can hurt my bones but names can never hurt me. As they say if it doesn't kill you, it just makes you stronger!