Friday, February 25, 2011

Irony of Life

Just finished skimming the headlines for today at The Star Online (Malaysian daily), it made me realized how ironic life is. Whilst some parts of the world is in turmoil and major havoc with uprisings and riots and all that jazz, there are other parts that are relatively peaceful. What's even more funny is that when I was browsing through photos of the day around the world, there are pictures of the on-going World Cup Cricket in India/Sri Lanka and the next photo is of a riot in New Delhi. After that, there are photos of the New Zealand earthquake and then, there was pictures of President Barack H. Obama attending something to commemorate Motown!

My heart goes out to all the earthquake survivors and deads. I remembered watching this snippet of the news on the earthquake in Christchurch. A wife, trapped in a building that had collapsed, called her husband on the mobile and told him, she is alive. All I remembered was the husband's frantic replies to her and he kept going on and on that she is alive and how to send someone down to her. I burst out crying at his helpless look and for the poor woman down there.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Life at its best

It has been a roller coaster ride since January. In the last 3 months of 2010, I've traveled every fortnightly to Singapore, East Malaysia, Laos and Bangkok. Its amazing how a break up can get you bitten by the travel bug.

Come January, my dad has been complaining of chest pains and that led to long and many hospital visits where he was diagnosed with liver cancer. The whole family has different ways to deal with this prognosis. Each of us starts with good intentions and yet, we ended up bickering over the smallest matter, the major one being my dad's diet.

With death staring at our face, its hard to pay importance to anything else. All that I've been through over my break up just pales in comparison. Nothing beats having to face our mortality to sober us up and be a grown up.